In today’s digital age, there are various ways to promote your campground and attract more guests, from social media to email marketing and advertising. However, have you considered the power of press releases? Yes, press releases are not only for big corporations. Campground owners and operators can also leverage their value to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, and ultimately boost bookings. 

Benefits of Press Releases for Campgrounds

Press releases are an excellent tool to promote your campground to a greater audience. When distributed through news outlets, they can help you reach potential guests who may not have heard of your campground before. Moreover, press releases can help you establish your brand as an industry leader, boost your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), and generate valuable backlinks to your website. Press releases can also be used to announce new amenities or upgrades, special events, promotions, or partnerships. Overall, press releases can help you stay top of mind and increase your chances of attracting new guests.

How to Craft an Effective Press Release

To leverage the value of press releases, you need to make sure you’re crafting effective ones that will catch the attention of journalists and potential guests. Follow these best practices for press releases for your campground announcements.

  • Keep it concise and to the point. Journalists receive hundreds of press releases every day, so make sure yours stands out by being easy to read and informative. 
  • Include a compelling headline and subheadline that will catch the attention of your intended audiences.
  • Begin your press release by answering the 5Ws: who, what, when, where, and why. Journalists should be able to tell at a glance what your press release is about.
  • Use quotes from key stakeholders to add credibility and a human touch to your press release.
  • Include relevant links to your website or social media profiles.
  • Conclude with a call-to-action that encourages journalists to contact you for more information or guests to book a stay at your campground.

Once you have drafted your press release, you can distribute yourself using a service such as PRWeb. PRWeb allows you to syndicate your press release to thousands of media outlets to ensure maximum visibility. Once you have distributed your press release, PRWeb will notify you with a detailed tracking report that shows how many times your release was viewed, who it was viewed by, and the effectiveness of your press release as a whole.

PRWeb offers comprehensive distribution options for press releases. You can choose from online news distribution, direct-to-influencer distribution, journalist, and blogger outreach. PRWeb’s online distribution network includes market-leading news and information sources, which are ideal for targeting your specific audience and increasing visibility. Direct-to-influencer distribution allows you to send your press release directly into relevant publisher networks or blogger workflows, while journalist and blogger outreach services will assist you in identifying and connecting with suitable journalists, influencers, or bloggers that are likely to share your story.

Choosing the Right PR Agency for Your Campground

Crafting and distributing press releases can be a time-consuming and challenging task, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. For high level announcements, such as new developments or partnerships for your campground, it’s valuable to have the resources of an experienced PR agency to help handle communications. A PR agency can also help you develop a media relations strategy, craft high-quality press releases, and distribute them to targeted media outlets. Choosing the right PR agency for your campground is crucial to the success of your PR strategy. Here are the top factors to consider when vetting PR agencies for your campground.

  • Experience in the travel and tourism industry.
  • Knowledge of the media landscape in your target market, preferably in your local area.
  • Understanding of your campground’s unique selling points and brand message.
  • Availability and responsiveness.
  • Pricing and value for money.

Examples of Press Releases for Campgrounds

What occasions or milestones warrant a press release? This is ultimately up to your campground marketing strategy and what will be newsworthy to your target audience. Here are some campground press release examples below to spark inspiration for your next big story.

  • New Campground in the Smoky Mountains Announces Grand Opening: This press release announces the opening of a new campground in the Smoky Mountains, highlighting its location, amenities, and activities, and V.I.P. appearances from local government officials.
  • Award-Winning Campground Launches Glamping Tents: This press release announces the launch of luxury glamping tents at an award-winning campground, showcasing the unique features and benefits of the new accommodation option, bringing a whole new demographic of guests to this popular vacation destination.
  • Campground Partners with Local Brewery for Beer-and-Camping Packages: This press release announces a partnership between a campground and a local brewery, creating a unique and appealing experience for guests to drive more tourism to the area.

Press releases can be a valuable tool for campgrounds to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, and attract more guests. By crafting effective press releases, choosing the right PR agency, and leveraging media opportunities, campground owners can better position their campgrounds for success. 

Other Ways to Market Your Campground

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Additionally, Spot2Nite offers a full range of digital media advertising options to drive extra eyes to your property profile. Email [email protected] for more information.