Digital advertising can enhance brand awareness by 80%, helping to distinguish your property while driving engagement and boosting sales. Whether you’re launching a new venture or managing multiple properties, numerous campground advertising opportunities are available to you. We’ve gathered key insights on the most effective forms of digital media buying that consistently provide value to outdoor hospitality brands and businesses, enabling them to achieve a variety of marketing objectives. Explore the most effective digital advertising channels to enhance your campground and RV park marketing strategy and multiply your outdoor accommodation revenue potential.

Programmatic Digital Media


The majority of ads encountered while browsing the web are Display Ads. Flexible, targeted, and efficient, Display Ads represent the foremost digital advertising method for reaching consumers on a large scale. Google’s display ad network reaches around 90% of internet users globally, showcasing the extensive reach of display advertising. This format is an ideal entry point for those new to digital advertising, offering a personalized experience through tailored location and content targeting, influencing consumers at key moments, and enhancing engagement on a variety of devices. The diverse creative options available to help craft memorable ads that resonate with audiences increase the likelihood of interaction and purchase.

HTML5 ads are interactive and visually compelling, using animation and multimedia to captivate audiences while reinforcing brand recognition through elements like your logo, colors, and fonts. Spot2Nite provides expert design services to craft custom HTML5 ads that capture campers’ attention, driving clicks to your park profile on our campground marketplace for instant booking.


There are various types of online video advertisements that appear alongside articles on or play before highlights on Whether integrated within website content or showcased on streaming platforms, video engages audiences wherever they choose to watch, particularly on personal devices like smartphones and tablets. Notably, nearly 80% of users have made a purchase after watching a brand’s video. 

Video advertisements are a highly effective campground and RV park marketing tool to showcase your location’s unique accommodations and features, providing a compelling visual experience that attracts potential campers. This format allows you to highlight the atmosphere, amenities, and activities your campground offers in an engaging and dynamic way, encouraging viewers to book their next outdoor adventure at your location.


Geofencing is an innovative advertising strategy that targets audiences within a defined geographic radius or a highly-specific street address, such as guests at a competitor campground or attendees at an RV show in proximity to your location. Businesses using geofencing report an increase in foot traffic by approximately 50%, as targeted promotions encourage potential customers who are nearby to visit physical locations. By engaging consumers in targeted feeder markets and at events relevant to your campground, you can effectively influence their interest and receptiveness to campground marketing messages and direct them to visit your park profile on Spot2Nite with a strong call-to-action or special offer. Activating geofencing is straightforward if you know the specific places or customer demographics you want to reach. This tactic can also be seamlessly integrated with various ad formats, including display and video ads as well as search, enhancing its effectiveness within your overall campground or RV park marketing strategy.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)


Search advertisements appear at the top of search results, often seamlessly integrated into the user experience. This strategy allows camping businesses to capture potential customers’ attention right when they express intent by searching for relevant information. While 93% of Americans use a search engine to find out more about local businesses, customers are also 155% more likely to search for a brand or business after being exposed to a display ad about it.

The effectiveness of search ads is amplified when used in conjunction with other formats like display and video ads. This integrated approach ensures that the brand message reaches consumers through multiple channels, increasing overall visibility and engagement. Spot2Nite offers comprehensive search advertising solutions with careful keyword selections on major platforms such as Google and Bing. By leveraging these platforms, your property can maintain top-of-mind awareness among potential customers, effectively positioning itself against competition and increasing the likelihood of attracting more visitors.

Get Started With Digital Media Buying

Running a digital advertising campaign enables you to connect with more customers across the various devices and online channels they use daily. To maximize your efforts, it’s beneficial to first identify your target camper audience and establish clear objectives for your campaign. A premium digital media buying partner can offer valuable guidance throughout this process, helping you navigate the complexities of digital advertising to achieve your campground or RV park marketing goals effectively.

Capture more campers by utilizing SEM and programmatic media campaigns that tap into Spot2Nite’s first-party data and strategic keywords. These efforts efficiently drive traffic and conversions by targeting potential guests based on camping intent, behavior, and location, all while using compelling, visually engaging ads. Get started today to explore campground marketing ideas and harness the revenue-generating power of digital media. 

Not yet connected with Spot2Nite? Seamlessly integrate your park with the industry’s leading campground marketplace, gaining exposure to over 69 million campers for instant bookings while tapping into powerful advertising solutions to boost your revenue. Visit our Partners page to get started today.